
STRENGTH /corporate strength
  • Hubei Shenlo...

    Hubei Shenlong Pump Co.,LTD was founded in 1983,with 105 million RMB of registered capital at present. It is member of China Pump Association. It is the designated water ring vacuum pump test centre in central China by the electric energy(Beijing) product certification center,and is one of the most

  • Hubei Shenlo...

    Hubei Shenlong Pump Co.,LTD was founded in 1983,with 105 million RMB of registered capital at present. It is member of China Pump Association. It is the designated water ring vacuum pump test centre in central China by the electric energy(Beijing) product certification center,and is one of the most

  • Hubei Shenlo...

    Hubei Shenlong Pump Co.,LTD was founded in 1983,with 105 million RMB of registered capital at present. It is member of China Pump Association. It is the designated water ring vacuum pump test centre in central China by the electric energy(Beijing) product certification center,and is one of the most

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